Your Neighbors Need Your help!
Donate now to help individuals and families impacted by Hurricane Ida

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Donate now to help individuals and families impacted by Hurricane Ida
We know you Care! Help those who have suffered devastating loses from Hurricane Ida!
At least 800 individuals/families have been traumatized by Hurricane Ida. Donate now to this fund which will support nonprofit agencies serving Montgomery County individuals and families.
The Funds can be utilized to support housing, food, gasoline, and household need (cleaning products, hygiene products, bedding, towels, clothing).
On the evening of Wednesday, September 1, 2021 Montgomery County, PA endured severe flooding and wind damage due to the remnants of Hurricane Ida.
The Schuylkill River at Norristown and the Perkiomen Creek at Graterford crested at record levels overnight and early Thursday morning.
The National Weather Service determined that an EF-2 tornado with winds of up to 130 miles per hour touched down in Upper Dublin Township and Horsham Township.
Four Montgomery County residents lost their lives in the storm and hundreds of others sustained major property damage. Many will not be able to return to their homes for weeks, if at all.
In Bridgeport and Norristown alone, at least 230 houses are uninhabitable and 800 people have been displaced.
We are thankful that FEMA has provided a federal disaster declaration for Montgomery County. However, funds are needed now to support displaced individuals and families to be safely housed, adequately fed, obtain needed transportation to schools and jobs and cover expenses to maintain themselves until aid arrives.
Please give what you can to support Montgomery County residents in their personal recovery efforts.
This Fund is administered by The Montgomery County Foundation, Inc.; 4 Sentry Parkway, East; Suite 302; Blue Bell, PA 19422. 484-532-7387,,; The official registration and financial information of The Montgomery County Foundation, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999.Registration does not imply endorsement. The Pension Protection Act of 2006 requires that we notify you that The Montgomery County Foundation, Inc. has exclusive legal control over the contributed assets.